Click on the "Download" button.
APK file (Android app installer) will start downloading.
Open your phone Settings
Security or Privacy.
No waiting for downloads, play now.
No installation means no storage used.
No hassle of updating apps, everything runs online.
Run Winbox on any iOS device with a browser, flexibility.
No need to grant device permissions like with installed apps.
No heavy apps running in the background, smoother device.
Access Winbox from any iOS browser, portable and convenient.
Works with all iOS versions so no system requirements.
No download means no malware installation so your device is safer.
Works directly from your browser so interface is simple.
No installation errors or delays so very convenient.
iPhone or iPad it works on all iOS devices.
No, Winbox on iOS works from your web browser, no download required.
Open your web browser, visit Winbox website and start playing no installation required.
Yes, you can add a shortcut to the Winbox website to your home screen for easy access, just like an app.
No, since Winbox runs in the browser it doesn’t take up any space on your iPhone.
No, the platform is optimized for fast and smooth gameplay from your browser.
If you close the browser by mistake you can just reopen it and continue playing from where you left off.
Yes, all games are available and fully functional no additional software required.
Yes, since it’s web-based you get the latest version and features every time you log in.